How to unlock?

Unlocking One-click CD Converter you get non-limited(registered) version of this software. Before you will be able to unlock it, you should register and receive your personal unlock code from us. What to do, when you've got your code? First, open unlock dialog from Windows "Start" menu: "Start" -> "Programs" -> "One-click CD Converter" -> "Unlock". You can also open unlock window from the reminder screen clicking "Unlock" button. Then enter your registration data(name and unlock code) and click "OK".

"Name" field: Enter your name here.
"Organization" field: Enter your organization name here (optional).
"Unlock code" field: Enter the code you received from us here.

Make sure, that you have typed information correctly(it is case-sensitive!) and then click "Ok" to complete registration. The best way to avoid mistakes is to use "copy-paste" function when entering registration data. Select your name right from the registration letter you've received from us and right-click it. Choose "Copy" from the popup menu. Then go to Converter's unlock window and right-click the "Name" field. Choose "Paste" in the popup menu. Your name will be pasted in the appropriate field. Do the same for your unlock code.